Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Description of Formation: This cloud grows upward and dark rain occurs. It forms when moist air rises and cools to its dew point.

Height: Below 2,000 meters.

Shape: Flat top, also called an anvil top.

Color: White.

Weather: Hail, strong winds, thunder and lightning.

Source of Photo:


Description of Formation: This cloud forms in layers and it grows upward. Its a rolling mass, usually covering the whole sky, and is thin enough for the sun to filter through them.

Height: Low, below 2,000 meters.

Shape: Separate flat elongated seed-shaped clouds.

Color: Gray or whitish.

Weather: Light Shower.

Source of Photo:


Description of Formation: The dark rain clouds and the ones that form in layers represent Nimbostratus. Its a low, dark blanket or clouds that spread gloom.

Height: Low, below 2,000 meters.

Shape: It is formless, flat and layered and it is often described as a blanket of cloud.

Color: Dark gray.

Weather: Rain or snow.

Source of Photo:


Description of Formation: This cloud forms a blueish/grayish veil through which the sun or the moon appears as a watery disc and is used to describe a cloud located between 2,000-7,000 meters.

Height: Middle, 2,000-7,000 meters.

Shape: Flat.

Color: Blueish/grayish.

Weather: When clouds thicken and darken, wet weather occurs.

Source of Photo:


Description of Formation: They are feathery clouds and have small rounded masses that often look like rippled sand.

Height: High, 7,000 meters.

Shape: Cirrus clouds similar in shape to a comma are cirrus uncinus or mares tails.

Color: White.

Weather: Fair.

Source of Photo:


Description of Formation: They are wispy, feathery clouds.

Height: High, above 7,000 meters.

Shape: The clouds tend to be wispy, and are often transparent.

Color: White, due to ice crystals that are formed.

Weather: Fair.
Source of Photo: